Tips for Hiring (and Retaining) the Best Employees
It is amazing the number of times I hear, “I can’t find any good employees.” It can be challenging to find good employees, but they are out there. It takes diligence to secure superstar employees from the general workforce pool. But… there is another way to add superstar employees to your team.
All it takes is the right tools and knowledge to acquire your own group of superstar employees.
Tip #1: Hire Right / Dehire Right
Everything always has to start with the right person. You can’t expect to grow a strong team with bad seeds. It all starts with proper hiring, and the first procedure is to look for a great attitude. It takes a great attitude to become a superstar in the contracting industry. Nothing will determine the success of an employee more than their ability to establish trust and rapport with clients, and that comes across in a great attitude.
Attitude is one thing that is very difficult to teach. A good attitude can and should be positively reinforced.
But a bad attitude is hard to correct — if neglected it can corrupt your entire team. Those with the right attitude are often more willing to learn. An employee who is willing to learn will be worth more to your team in the long run than the most technically or systems-educated employee with a bad attitude.
Start the search for your superstar employees by finding people with great attitudes.
Tip #2: Right Training
Once you have identified the right person, it is time to get them the right training. Let the new employee ride along with co-workers. But… BE CAREFUL… First, you should conduct ride-alongs and be sure the new rising star is not riding along with a black-hole-attitude employee.
The rising star must be given the opportunity to observe what they are supposed to be doing on each interaction with the customer and absorb what they observed. That is why it is important for you the owner/manager to conduct a ride-along with the existing employee before turning your rising star over to them.
Tip # 3: Positive Behavior Reinforcement
You have to reinforce the strengths, positive attitudes, and performance with your entire team to continually get the best results. This comes with providing your entire team with external training. Nothing says “I am willing to invest in you and your future” more to employees than investing in their continued success. Allow them to grow their knowledge base and meet other professionals that perform the same job function in a different city or state.
Tip #4: Accountability
Hold all employees accountable for performance. Let your employees know what you expect and want them to do. Make sure they are doing what they’re supposed to do. Put up goal board and update them DAILY at minimum.
Let your employees know about upcoming external training opportunities and show them the way to further their success. Conduct ride- alongs to allow your employees to demonstrate they know how to perform the job (let them show you how bright their star really is).
The way to grow a championship team year after year is to invest in the proper tools, employees, and knowledge to ensure you, your business, and your team will enjoy success in the coming years.