Whistle While You Work!


Have you ever been in an uncomfortable situation on the job? You thought you were alone, but when you turned around, there was someone right there behind you. You might have been talking to yourself through a job, without controlling your language, thinking that you are not being watched, only to suddenly hear your customer suddenly appear. No matter what the situation was, it probably put you in a really uncomfortable position.

First and foremost, you do not want your customer to think that you cannot be left alone. In other words, you want your customer to understand that the way that you appear around him/her is no different from the way that you normally are. Know that you are being watched at all times. This is true even though it may sometimes seem as if it is not the case.

Make an effort to control your language anywhere around your customers’ homes, turn down the car stereo in your company vehicle, and shine with confidence at all times. Your customer will not believe that you are capable of completing the job if you don’t believe it.

The initial shock that your customers get when they see you act differently when they are not around is enough to have them not use your services a second or third time. Your customer is nervous about having you invade their privacy to begin with; you want to make them feel as comfortable with you as possible. You want to enhance your customer’s home without causing too much trouble. This means not making any mess or causing an unnecessary scene.

What can you do to enhance your frame of mind? Build your personality into your work. Remember that everything reflects on your work, including your mood. Your customer is probably going to tell if you are happy or sad, lazy or efficient, and tired or awake.

By improving your personality and mood, you improve your work. This may be as simple as going to bed an hour earlier instead of watching television. You are guaranteed to be more awake and aware, and in return, able to do your job productively.

Uplift your spirit by whistling or humming a favorite song, like “Whistle while you work,” to give yourself a little boost during your day. Not only will your day go by a little smoother, you will be more enthusiastic and as a result accomplish more.

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