What Are You After?

What Are You After?

Everyone is after something different.  You have a different motivation and drive than competitors in your market.  What is it?

On the day you opened your business, what was your vision? Every successful company needs a vision guiding it, which will keep you and your company on track to achieve the goal you started out with.

Let’s say you have a powerful vision for where you want your success level and your company to go. How do you get there? It’s one thing to know what you’re after and another to know how to achieve it. To give you a framework for achieving whatever it is you’re after in your business, I’ve taken several of the most popular goals that I’ve heard from talking to business owners across the country and applied a few action steps that will help you get there.

Financial Independence

You didn’t start your business hoping that you’d be up all night worrying about payroll and sweating out the last few days of the month wondering how your bills would get paid. You started your company for financial independence. But worry and stress might be your reality. How do you get to the independent

stage? It sounds simple, but to get there you need a profitable business and a strong customer base—a lot of business owners aren’t willing to do what it takes to get there. It might mean laying off some of your employees or getting back in the truck yourself, but at the end of the day, you’re the one worrying about payroll and bills so do what’s right for you and your business.

Tip: A wealthy exit strategy is something you probably haven’t thought about, but it’s your

ticket to  financial security when the time comes to leave your business behind. Plan today

for your security tomorrow.


Freedom of Time

You probably wanted some freedom of time when you started your business, but often owners find themselves working night and day just to keep things afloat. The remedy for this is strong systems and dependable people. With Success Group International™, you have the right systems to put in place in your company; and with the SGI client support staff, you have knowledgeable individuals willing to help you find the right employees who are willing to use those systems. That equation means your business can run like clockwork whether you’re there or not.

Tip: Take stock of your team. If you don’t have the people in your organization that could

keep your company going in your absence, find them and train them before something



A Company of a Certain Size

Sometimes the goal you’re striving for might be a company that’s a certain size. Often, this is a goal built on pride more than anything, but if it’s your goal, there is one surefire way to achieve it—bring in calls. The worst choice that you can make is to bring on another truck without the calls to keep it running and that technician working. An underutilized truck and technician will simply eat up your profits. So, before you bring another truck into your company, make sure you’re turning away enough calls to keep it busy.

Tip: If this is your goal, you need to start booking more calls. Make sure your marketing is

ringing in the calls you need, but more importantly, make sure your call-takers are turning

those calls into service calls. Listen to your call-takers to gauge their abilities and ensure

they’re doing what’s best for your company every time the phone rings. They, too, should

be training every week, just like your technicians.


A Certain Income Level

Are you after a certain income level for yourself? Your goal for your business might be to provide a certain lifestyle for you and your family. If that’s the case, how do you do it? You need profits. A profitable business will allow you, as the owner, to have the lifestyle that you’re seeking. A profitable business isn’t necessarily the biggest one you can build. Profits are revenues minus expenses. So, you need to maximize revenues while decreasing expenses. Increasing revenues might mean raising your prices or getting in the truck yourself rather than hiring another technician. Decreasing expenses might mean limiting the number of employees you have in the office or improving your purchasing terms. Analyze your company to determine how you can maximize your profits, and you’ll be in good shape to earn whatever level of income you’re seeking.

Tip: Some owners assume that to make more personal income, they need to increase

the size of their company. The opposite may be true. You may have all the revenue you

need to be profitable, but your costs may be sucking it away. Are you making the most

out of your relationship with SGI? You may not be if you haven’t looked at how Buy-Max

can start saving you money immediately—using products that you already are using in

your company today!


Those are just a few of the goals business owners have on the day they go into business for themselves. No matter what drives you to build your business and serve your clients every day, you need a vision for what it will take to achieve it and a plan to get yourself there. So whatever you’re after, it’s time to get after it.

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